There are some persistent CTD bugs in 1.13, especially in the LBE and attachments. Please, can You help me solve this problem? Compatibility Windows 8 RESOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is to make JA2 engine run on WineD3D instead of regular DirectX. Hinweis: Diese Funktion ist NUR für die Meldung von Spam, Werbung und problematischen (anstößigen, beleidigenden oder unhöflichen) Beiträgen gedacht. Let me start out by describing my specific situation:-using a Windows 8.1 laptop-installed Jagged Alliance 2-installed v1.13 1) Install Jagged Alliance 2 v1.12 2) Install JA2 v1.13 Full Release 7435, overwriting all files. This showed up in another thread on these forums.

I don't think it'll get any particular advantage from the 3D stuff though. But after rebooting my PC the game won't start up again like it used to before. It takes a few steps to get it working nicely on modern computers, but it's doable. Fixed a problem which caused Quicken 2013 to fail to connect to certain on-line accounts. With this instruction I can start my JA2 on Windows 8, but after choosing difficulty of game, i see just a black screen and hear menu music. The Jagged Alliance 2 "1.13 Mod" is an engine modification to the original JA2. There's another fix like it, called DDWrapper.

Seems it was used as patch for Jagged Alliance 2, but if it works for RA2 too, then that's cool, I guess.